Server Analytics

What gets measured gets managed

Keep track of the growth of your server with our advanced analytics – allowing you to drill down into channel and even user level behaviour to uncover amazing insights into what your community loves.

Benefits of Server Analytics

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Get a quick overview of the key growth statistics of your server. Look into the number of members, new members and messages sent over a selected key period to uncover useful insights.

Message Analytics

Obtain a breakdown of the number of messages sent per day, the channels with the most messages, and your most active members.

Take an in-depth look into each member’s behavior drilling down into the number of messages they send per day, and which channels they post the most in.

Find out which one of your channels are the most active, and who are the most active in them.

Server Overview

Get a quick overview of the key growth statistics of your server. Look into the number of members, new members and messages sent over a selected key period to uncover useful insights.

Messages Analytics

Messages Analytics

Get a good breakdown on how many messages are sent per day, who your top contributors are and which channels see the most action.

Particularly useful in uncovering insights into where your community tends to congregate around.

User Drill Down

User Drill Down

Take an in-depth look into each user’s behaviour drilling down into the number of messages he sends per day and which channels he tends to post the most in.

Our user drill down analytics also allows you to compare multiple users to observe the behaviour across different users. Particularly useful in zooming in on your more active users and to better understand which channels and topics they tend to be attracted the most to.

Channel Drill Down

Channel Drill Down

Our channel drill down analytics allows you to take a deep dive into each channel – this allows you to see the number of messages it receives per day along with the top users who contribute to the messages.

You can also add multiple channels to compare the performance across different channels to uncover useful insights such as which channels are performing better across different users.

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Desmond Leong

CEO | Genesiv
We’re crazy over server analytics. What gets measured gets managed – and if you wish to grow a community well, you’ll need to know how your marketing efforts are paying off, which channels are performing well and the top users you have to focus your attention on.
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